Col·lectiu d'Arquitectes el Tinglado

The Col·lectiu d'Arquitectes el Tinglado are an architecture team committed to social transformation and the creation of habitable spaces, improving people's quality of life and caring for the environment in which we live. To achieve this, we start with a critical and transdisciplinary analysis of reality, combining our experience and professional knowledge, incorporating innovative diagnostic technologies, and contrasting all of this with the situated knowledge of the local community.

In our practice, we employ participatory methodologies and local solutions, always considering the principles of ecology and gender perspective. We believe in the importance of active citizen participation in decision-making processes that affect their environment. We seek to promote the empowerment of the local community in the planning and development of their own territory.

We collaborate closely with the public administration, contributing our knowledge and experience to assist in the creation of policies and strategies that promote sustainability and improve the quality of life of inhabitants. We work together with academic experts and professionals from other disciplines to enrich our projects with different perspectives and ensure comprehensive and effective solutions.

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