Suburbia. Building the American dream

Activity finished

C. de Montalegre, 5 (08001)
14May - 28Jun, 2024
Skip main gallery

An exhibition about the cultural history of the suburban lifestyle.

Suburbia. Building the American dream takes us into the imagination of the idyllic family home and shows how this lifestyle has been sold and promoted through fiction and the entertainment industry. The exhibition goes back to the origins of residential neighbourhoods at the beginning of the 19th century. It explains how they developed extensively in the fifties and it delves into the economic, political and social context that made their unstoppable expansion throughout the United States possible.

Tuesday to Sunday and public holidays: 11.00 – 20.00

Closed Mondays

On Sunday from 3 to 8 pm the visit is free with prior reservation (tickets available on the Wednesday before 11 a.m.)

With prior reservation

All day

Type of activity
Ministeri de Cultura
Barcelona capital cultural i científica
Antiga Casa Buenavista
Ciutat Vella
Event type
Type of ticket
Paid admission with prior registration

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