El Port Olímpic, escenari de la Mercè

The Port Olímpic becomes a Mercè Festival venue

21, 22 and 24 September

Moll de Mestral quay (Port Olímpic)

Coinciding with the America’s Cup, the Port Olímpic will be hosting events as part of Barcelona’s festa major (main annual festival) for the first time. 

On 21, 22 and 24 September, the MAC, or Mercè Arts de Carrer (Mercè Street Arts), will invite us to rediscover the new Port Olímpic with a daytime programme of eleven family shows.

And at night, from 20 to 24 September, Mercè Arts de Carrer will also hold an immersive, ambulatory show on the Bogatell breakwater.

Further information here will be available from 12 September.