
Museums, libraries and culture

With the America’s Cup taking place in the city this year, Barcelona’s museums, libraries and cultural facilities are awash with ideas and activities to immerse visitors in the world of seas and oceans from a diverse range of perspectives. 

Exhibitions, talks, discussions, shows and family activities invite you to explore the technology behind sailing regattas, the challenges faced by coastal cities, the work and dreams of female sailors, seafaring expeditions, the best maritime literature and even the chance to hear the song of the sirens.

Barcelona Maritime Museum

The Maritime Museum will be a cultural showcase for the America’s Cup, with activities to bring us closer to the technology and innovation behind the regattas, the work and the dreams of seafaring women and the sailing tradition in Catalonia:

  • Exhibition “Competing at sea”  (7 June-10 November)
  • Exhibition “Penelope, the sea is yours!" (14 June-8 January 2025)
  • Presentation of the book Bucked in the Yarn, by Terry Stevenson (29 August)
  • Series of talks “Una copa per la Copa” [Let's drink to the Cup] (September-October)
  • Children’s activity “De regata al Museu” [Regatta at the Museum] (5 October)
  • Session on old photographs about classic sailing boat regattas (29 October)
  • Round Table Discussion: "Preserving America's Cup information. Barcelona 2024". Activity finished

SAIL IN TOUR in Barcelona

24 May, 21 June and 26 July at 6:30 pm. Barcelona Centre for Contemporary Culture.

On the occasion of the America’s Cup, Sail IN, one of Europe’s leading festivals for sailing films and culture, is organising for the first time three activities in Barcelona to spread the passion and values conveyed by this sport.

SAIL IN TOUR will present a selection of feature-length and short films followed by talks with figures from the world of sailing to give the audience a new perspective on sailing and the relationship with the sea.

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Barcelona Contemporary Culture Center (CCCB)

The CCCB devotes a mention to the recovery of seafronts in its European Prize for Urban Public Space, organises discussions on the impact of climate change in coastal cities and offers a show on the sounds of the ocean and the irresistible song of sirens.

Disseny Hub Barcelona (DHub)

This exhibition will use the history of Barcelona’s relationship with its seafront to look at the challenges faced by coastal societies around the world in the current climate crisis, forcing us to rethink our relationship with the sea.

An innovative perspective on the subject that looks to architecture, fashion, technology, design, science and art for solutions.  

Barcelona Natural Science Museum

Ocean, Water, Ice, Wave and Coral Reef speak to us through the voices of famous actors (Penélope Cruz, Harrison Ford and Liam Neeson). 

This installation is a Conservation International initiative which seeks to raise awareness of the consequences of pollution and the loss of natural habitats. 

  • “Parlen els oceans, escoltem!” [When the oceans speak, listen!] audiovisual installation (12 September-12 January 2025)

Biblioteques de Barcelona

The sea also takes centre stage at the libraries, with a cycle of talks about the culture of the sea, nautical sports and maritime expeditions; an activity for the Festival Liternatura and a reading club to take us on a voyage through the finest pages in ocean literature. You can take part in the activities at 25 libraries in the city.

La casa de la lectura a la biblioteca Gabriel García Márquez

Catalan Museum of Archaeology (MAC)

Over two hundred objects retrieved from the sea bed are waiting for you in “Naufragis. Història submergida”, [Shipwrecks. Underwater History] which showcases the work of the Catalan Underwater Archaeology Centre, exhibiting archaeological finds from sites (under the water!) on the Catalan coast.

At the MAC, you can also visit the new permanent exhibition on the Roman Empire, which explores the civilisation that dominated the Mare Nostrum for centuries, with guided tours every Sunday.

Exposició "Naufragis" al Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya

Museu Diocesà de Barcelona

Art and science go hand in hand in this exhibition at the Museu Diocesà de Barcelona.  

The contrast between the paintings of RenoirSantiago Rusiñol, Joaquim Torres García, Lluís Masriera and Alexandre de Cabanyes and the photographs of Mandy Barker alert us to the large and current problem of plastic pollution in the seas and oceans.

Mandy Barker’s artistic work has been published in some of the world’s most prestigious media.

L'oli "Platja de Pornic "(1892), de Renoir

Joan Miró Foundation

At the beginning of October

The Joan Miró Foundation is taking part in the Cultural Regatta with a free talk on the figure of Miró. It is being held on the highest terrace of the Torre del Coneixement in the building designed by Sert, which is usually closed to the public.

The terrace, which offers panoramic views of both the city and the sea, is an ideal place for exploring the profoundly Mediterranean career of Joan Miró.


KBr Photography Centre

The Mapfre Foundation's KBr Photography Centre is presenting a retrospective exhibition on photographer Louis Stettner (New York, 1922 - Paris, 2016). The exhibition, which brings together nearly 180 photographs, includes a series of photographs, taken in 1956, when the photographer accompanied two Ibizan fishermen during their daily fishing routine. In this kind of portraits, which celebrate strength and vitality, Stettner emphasises the dignity of human beings.

America’s Cup Experience

Are you ready for the America’s Cup?

At the America’s Cup Experience you’ll discover the most spectacular sailing event in the world!  You’ll get to travel through the various interactive spaces where you’ll discover in a unique and experiential way, the secrets of the oldest competition in the world, the participating teams and, above all, the technology that makes the boats fly above the water! 

The superproduction One hell of a Battle enables you to experience the emotion and adrenaline of this awesome regatta.

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Casa Asia

Casa Asia organises a programme of three activities to introduce New Zealand, the winner of the latest edition of the America's Cup, through its writers, cinema, and science. The schedule and location of the activities will be announced shortly. 

  • New Zealand, through meetings with its writers
  • Showcase of New Zealand cinema in Barcelona
  • Educational workshop: ‘Penguins, sentinels of the ocean’

Science Festival

Activity finished

The waves from the America’s Cup are also going to make a splash at the 17th edition of the Festa de la Ciència. Sea and water will be two of the programme’s central themes, which will feature activities relating to:

  • The work of the Ocean Science Decade for Sustainable Development (2021-2030)) to protect the ecosystems of our seas and oceans. 
  • The drought
  • The consolidation of Barcelona as a world leader in nautical activities and the blue economy, as the host city for the America’s Cup.

8 and 9 June 2024, The Born Centre for Culture and Memory and Plaça Comercial.

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