
Artistic creativity at Race Village

From August 30th until October 17th

Moll de la Fusta

The Race Village at Moll de la Fusta becomes a window to Barcelona's artistic creativity, with more than 24 free performances of local popular culture arts and music.

From August 30th until October 17th, the Louis Vuitton 37th America's Cup Race Village at the Moll de la Fusta will host music and popular culture performances on Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday at 7:00 or 8:30 p.m.

The musical proposal, in charge of the Institut de Cultura de Barcelona, is made up entirely of musical groups from the national scene:

In addition, 6 musical performances chosen through an open call by the Ciutat Vella district will be added, with the aim that the main stage of the Moll de Fusta Village will also include performances closely linked to the district and the neighborhood of the Barceloneta:

Popular culture will also be present on the stage of the Race Village, with a program that is the result of a call made expressly for this occasion: