
Miquel Molina Muntané

Deputy Editor, La Vanguardia

Journalist and novelist, currently he works as a deputy editor at La Vanguardia. He publishes every Sunday an opinion article on cities and culture. His non-fiction works are “L’Everest a l’hora punta (2007), “Alerta Barcelona” (2018), “Naturaleza muerta” (2020) and “Cinco horas en Venecia” (2020). He has also published the novels “Una flor del mal” (2014) and “La Sonámbula” (2018). His last essay is “Proyecto Barcelona” (2021). In 2010, Miquel Molina received the Non-Sexist Journalism Award, awarded by the Associació de Dones Periodistes de Catalunya

Big events and Barcelona's international projection

Wednesday, March 29

10:00 h - 11:30 h

Auditori Disseny Hub Barcelona