Coastal Agreement


The entire coastline


The Coastal Plan is designed to “reconquer” the coastline as a quality public area that is open to and enjoyed by all, as well as to reach an agreement on the new model of the city’s coastline with all stakeholders (key actors). It is therefore a planning instrument that aims to organise and manage all the urban spaces on the city’s seafront, and therefore covers the coastline neighbourhoods, ports, beaches, facilities and open spaces.

The Coastal Plan has taken the form of a set of strategic projects and actions that have been modelled together with the public as part of a wide-ranging participatory process, and which have therefore received significant social support. However, due to their very nature, the actions derived from the plan can generate controversy between the various stakeholders (government agencies, city residents, companies, etc.), as there are many cases in which there are differing viewpoints and, in some cases, conflicting interests.

In order to seek “possible consensus”, the Coastal Agreement has been formed as a permanent participatory body and the basis of new participatory governance of the coastline around these projects through an agreement methodology.

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