A blue pavilion to promote sport along the coast and a new map of practice areas and sports facilities along the coastline

Maritime districts

The entire coastline


The “Foment de l’esport al litoral” [Promotion of sport on the coast] project (Blue Pavilion) is an opportunity for the promotion and rebalancing of sport on the coast. This project encompasses the entire coastal sports offer with a global view. The term “pavilion” must be understood conceptually as a “stage” for multiple sporting activities in this area, and not as a specific enclosure or facility. Thus, the area of action is the coastline in its broadest sense (from Port Fòrum to Port Vell - Marina Vela). It is one of the projects identified in the Strategic Plan for the coast promoted by the Barcelona Sports Institute (IBE).
The aim of the project is to specify a strategy for the development of sport along the sea, on the beach, or in the esplanade and public spaces on the seafront in a shared manner with all the competent agents and actors involved or interested in the use or management of the various spaces and infrastructures. The project also aims to promote a sustainable and civic use of the space, with special emphasis on the regulation of uses.
In 2021, a workspace was launched, called “Esport de mar i platja: Pavelló Blau” (Sea and beach sports: Blue Pavilion). Organised by the IBE’s Municipal Sports Council with the support of the Coastal Strategy Office, it aims to provide a space for meeting, reflection and work with the participation of the main sports agents. The work has revolved around three working groups:  Sea, Land, and Strategy and Governance. Three working meetings have been scheduled to obtain a list, weighting and prioritisation of project proposals in order to tackle current problems and detect opportunities. In addition to the meetings of each group, four plenary sessions were held over the course of 2021 with the end goal of drawing up the Blue Pavilion Action Plan 2022-2030, which was presented in April 2022. Furthermore, as part of this project, a strategic map of sports practice areas and facilities dedicated to sport on the coastline has been drawn up.
The Blue Pavilion Action Plan will make it possible to manage and direct the decisions and actions that need to be implemented in order to better develop sporting activity on the sea and Barcelona’s coastline with a global outlook.


In 2021, a workspace was started: "Sea and beach sports: Blue Pavilion" organized by the Municipal Sports Council of the IBE with the support of the Coastal Strategic Office with the aim of having a space for meeting, reflection and work with the participation of the main sports agents. The work revolved around three working groups: Sea; Land, and Strategy and governance. Three work meetings have been scheduled with the aim of obtaining a list of project proposals, a weighting and a prioritization to deal with current problems and detect opportunities. In addition to the meetings of each group, four plenary sessions were held throughout 2021 with the final aim of having the Blue Pavilion Action Plan 2022-2030, which was presented in April 2022. Moreover, as part of this project, a strategic map of sports practice areas and equipment dedicated to sports on the coast has been worked out. 

The Blue Pavilion Action Plan will allow to manage and guide the decisions and actions that need to be put in place to better develop sports activity at sea and on Barcelona's coast with a globalized view.

The main actions that have been carried out are as follows:

  • Presentation of the Municipal Sailing Centre remodelling project in 2022.

  • Incorporating water sports into schools, noting the increased participation in port/city school programmes.

  • Development of the Viu la Vela [Experience Sailing] project for primary school students.

  • Expansion of the Esports de Mar [Sea Sports] programme for secondary school students.

  • Implementation of the Mayoral Decree for playing sport on Barcelona beaches. 

  • Promotion of sailing events during the America’s Cup.


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