First farmers/Bcn. The major innovation 7,500 years ago
When envisaging the future of humankind, the debate on how we obtain, distribute and consume food, both on the local and global scales, is of key importance. Within the context of the historical studies on the provision of food carried out by the Museum, “First Farmers BCN” takes a close look at the agricultural communities that took shape in the Neolithic through the domestication of plants and animals. This major innovation from the Middle East reached the plain of Barcelona around 7,500 years ago…
Virtual tour of the exhibition ‘First farmers/Bcn. The major innovation 7,500 years ago'
Llibret de sala of ‘First farmers/Bcn. The major innovation 7,500 years ago'
Plaça del Rei, s/n (pati de la casa Padellàs)
Tel. 93 256 21 00
Fax. 93 268 04 54
Del 29/04/2016 al 13/11/2016
Inauguració: Dijous 28 d'abril a les 19 h.
Exposició prorrogada fins el 12 de febrer de 2017.
2,20 € (reduïda 1,50 €)
L'entrada combinada de 7 € inclou la visita a l'exposició