Protecting Barcelona. Firefighters and Fire Prevention, 1833-2022

An exhibition organised by the Barcelona History Museum (MUHBA) and the Barcelona Fire Service.
In the year 1833, the Barcelona Fire Brigade was created, and one of its most important functions over the years since has been applying fire prevention measures.
This exhibition explains what these measures have been, while reviewing the main fires that have occurred in the city and the fire brigade’s history. The exhibition features a notable display of historic vehicles, as well as photographs, display cases with communication and warning devices and other materials related to prevention, audiovisuals of major fires and a model of the Caserna de Llevant fire station, among other elements.
The aim is to highlight the key role of prevention within the tasks carried out by Barcelona’s Fire Brigade. Over the years, its work towards preventing fires has become as important as extinguishing and rescue.
The fires that the city of Barcelona has suffered over the years are an indicator of the state of prevention at all times. The exhibition explains how fire prevention measures have been applied in Barcelona from the creation of the city's Fire Brigade in 1833 and up to the present day.
Llibret de sala de l'exposició
Dossier de premsa de l'exposició 'Protegir Barcelona. Bombers i prevenció d’incendis, 1833-2022'
Vehicles històrics dels Bombers de Barcelona
Pdf d'activitats pdf
Horari de visita
D'octubre a maig
Dimarts de 10 a 14 h
Dimecres de 10 a 14 i de 15 a 18 h
Dissabtes i diumenges d'11 a 15 h i 16 a 18 h
Juny, juliol, agost i setembre
Dissabtes i diumenges d'11 a 15 h i 16 a 20 h
Dies de tancament anual: 1 de gener, 1 de maig, 24 juny i 25 de desembre.
Entrada gratuïta.
Visites comentades a l'exposició
Periode Històric
Informació i reserves
Per a qualsevol altra informació: 93 256 21 22 (de dilluns a divendres feiners, de 10 a 14 i de 16 a 19 h).
Espai Bombers
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