Behind the Mental Institute Walls, Everyday Life Inside the Asylum

The Roquetes-Nou Barris Historical Archive dedicates a third exhibition to the Nou Barris Mental Institute The first, Cold and Desolation, was in 1985, two years before the closure of the centre, and it showed the day-to-day life of the Mental Institute through unpublished images.
In the second, in 2022, through drawings by patients, their concerns, desires and hopes were expressed. This third exhibition presents a selection of images from the murals that were in the centre’s social hall, with writings, announcements, and drawings that capture the day-to-day life of those who were inpatients there.
Presentation event on Tuesday 11 July, at 7 p.m.
Horari de visita
D'octubre a maig
Dimarts de 10 a 14 h
Dimecres de 10 a 14 i de 15 a 18 h
Dissabtes i diumenges d'11 a 15 h i 16 a 18 h
Juny, juliol, agost i setembre
Dissabtes i diumenges d'11 a 15 h i 16 a 20 h
Dies de tancament anual: 1 de gener, 1 de maig, 24 juny i 25 de desembre.
Entrada lliure
Periode Històric
Informació i reserves
Per a qualsevol altra informació: 93 256 21 22 (de dilluns a divendres feiners, de 10 a 14 i de 16 a 19 h).
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