Retrat d'Anastasia Kavada.
Towards a culture of participation

Anastasia Kavada, Professor of Communication and Politics at the University of Westminster, has been studying the interaction between digital media, social movements and democratic...

Retrat d'Angela Davis © CCCB, Miquel Taverna, 2017
Angela Davis. A history of civil disobedience

Angela Davis embodies the revolutionary fascination and the nostalgia for remote struggles. She has an innate ability to translate complex thoughts into slogans for the public at large...

Retrat d'Alessandro Baricco © MTSlanzi
Alessandro Baricco: The virus and ‘The Game’

The first international conversation about the coronavirus is being held virtually, as it couldn’t be done otherwise. Alessandro Baricco explains that the dynamism of truth is more...

Portrait of Dominique Méda © Albert Armengol
Reinventing work in a more humane and ecological society

Thinker of reference in the study of work, Méda impresses with her passionate, direct, documented and rigorous discourse in defence of work in general and of wage earners in particular,...

Una dona penja una pancarta al balcó de casa seva en la qual es llegeix: banca estafa engaña © Pere Virgili
Home, much more than just real estate

“All housing is political” asserted David Madden on his recent visit to Barcelona to present his book In Defense of Housing, co-authored with Peter Marcuse. Madden believes that...

Fotograma del film 'Human Flow' del director Ai Weiwei
View from the heights

It is always possible for anyone, even a "great" artist to address others or represent them visually without viewing them "from on high". This is not the case in Human Flow, the...


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