Dani Cordero


(Barcelona, 1975). Economy editor at the newspaper El País. 

1 Articles

Cinta Farnós


(El Perelló, 1986). In 2022, she published her first novel, Geosmina (La Magrana). In addition, she has written short stories and a foo...

1 Articles

Rita Roig

Journalist and cultural communicator

She holds the position of Culture editor at Time Out Barcelona and contributes to outlets such as Catalunya Ràdio and iCat.

1 Articles

Pau Vidal

Philologist and language advocate

He has written novels, short stories and several language-focused books such as En perill d’extinció. 100 paraules per salvar [In Danger of...

1 Articles

Teresa Sesé


With a Degree in Information Sciences from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), she contributed to various media outlets, including...

2 Articles

Ramon Aymerich


Chief International Editor at La Vanguardia, having previously held the position of Chief Economics Editor. 

1 Articles

Álex Martín Rod.

Curator and researcher

He holds a Degree in Art History and a Master’s Degree in Philosophy from the University of Málaga. He is currently pursuing a PhD expl...

1 Articles

Anna Surinyach


(Barcelona, 1985). Journalist and documentary photographer, her work focuses on documenting population movements and human rights-related is...

1 Articles

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