Anna Llopis Cardona

Art historian

She holds a Degree in Art History and a Master’s Degree in Design and Management of Exhibition Formats. 

1 Articles

Lluís S. Ceprián

Music journalist

Author of the book BAM. 10 anys d’independència musical (1993-2002) [BAM. Ten Years of Musical Independence (1993-2002)]. He has chronicled...

1 Articles

José Luis de Vicente

Curator and cultural researcher

He has been director of the Museu del Disseny de Barcelona (DHUB, Design Museum of Barcelona) since 2023. Other positions include founder an...

1 Articles

Joan Manuel del Pozo

Philosopher and politician

He holds a PhD in Philosophy and is Emeritus Professor at the University of Girona, where he was Vice-Dean and a member of the Board of Trus...

1 Articles

Beatriz López Ibáñez

Resercher in medicine and health

Professor of Artificial Intelligence in the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Automatic Engineering at the University of Girona, wher...

1 Articles

Filippo Bistaffa


Senior scientist at the CSIC’s Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA), which he joined in 2017 as a Marie-Curie Fellow after earn...

1 Articles

Pedro Meseguer


Scientific researcher at the CSIC’s Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA), he holds a Degree in Physics and Computer Science and...

1 Articles

Juan Antonio Rodríguez Aguilar

Research Professor at the CSIC’s Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA). He is a member of the Catalan Association for Artificial...

1 Articles

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