Retrat d'Eli Vivas

Eli Vivas

Data journalist and visualisation expert.

Data journalist and visualisation expert.

3 Articles

Retrat de Laura Navarro Soler

Laura Navarro Soler

Data journalist

Laura Navarro is a data journalist.

3 Articles

Retrat de Marc Pastor

Marc Pastor

Writer of genre fiction

Marc Pastor (Barcelona, 1977) is a writer of genre fiction and works for the forensics unit in the Mossos d’Esquadra’s [police force of Cata...

1 Articles

Retrat de Paola de Grenet

Paola de Grenet


Milan, 1971. Paola de Grenet began her career as a photographer in 1999, after studying Graphic Design at the Camberwell College of Arts in...

1 Articles

Retrat d'Andreu Gomila

Andreu Gomila

Cultural journalist

Andreu Gomila (Palma, 1977) is a poet, novelist, literary and theatre critic, and cultural journalist specialised in the performing arts. He...

2 Articles

Retrat de Julià Guillamon

Julià Guillamon


Writer. He has recently published the book of short stories La fàbrica de gel [The Ice Factory] (Gutenberg Galaxy, 2021) and the novel Marip...

1 Articles

Retrat de Maria Sisternas

Maria Sisternas


Maria Sisternas holds a Degree in Architecture from the Barcelona School of Architecture and an MSc in City Design and Social Sciences from...

1 Articles

Retrat de Marta Ricart Masip

Marta Ricart Masip


Artist. PhD from the University of Barcelona. Co-founder of the Artibarri Association and the Teleduca, Educació i Comunicació organisation....

1 Articles

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