Enric Gomà

Writer and scriptwriter

(1963) Writer, linguist, creator and scriptwriter for television programme such as Temps de silenci, Poble Nou, Català a l’atac, Llibres a l...

2 Articles

Retrat d'Andreu Barnils

Andreu Barnils


1 Articles

Retrat de Francesc Ginabreda

Francesc Ginabreda


1 Articles

Retrat de Pau Joan Hernández

Pau Joan Hernàndez

Writer and translator

1 Articles

​Retrat d'Albert Forns

Albert Forns

Journalist and writer

Albert Forns (Granollers, 1982) is a journalist and a Catalan writer. He works for the magazine Time Out Barcelona and the newspapers ARA an...

2 Articles

Retrat de Matthew Tree

Matthew Tree

Journalist and writer

1 Articles

Retrrat de Maria Coll

Maria Coll

Journalist and historian

She is co-editor of the magazine Valors and editor of the magazine Sàpiens. He has worked in various media.

1 Articles

Retrat de Daniel Venteo

Daniel Venteo

Historian and museologist

Daniel Venteo is the author of a score of books on the contemporary history of Barcelona. ​​He has also curated several exhibitions at the M...

2 Articles

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