Retrat de Oriol Bartomeus

Oriol Bartomeus

Political scientist

He is Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and Public Law at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. 

1 Articles

Retrat de Jordi Mir Garcia

Jordi Mir Garcia

PhD in Humanities

He lectures in the Humanities Department at Pompeu Fabra University and the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology at the Universitat Au...

1 Articles

Retrat de José Fernández-Albertos

José Fernández-Albertos

Political scientist

Senior scientist at the Spanish National Research Council’s Institute for Public Goods and Policies. 

1 Articles

Retrat de Brenda Chávez

Brenda Chávez

Journalist specialised in sustainability and culture

Journalist with a Degree in Journalism and Law. She collaborates with the newspapers El País and El Salto, and presents the fortnightly sect...

1 Articles

Retrat de Maria de la Fuente

Maria de la Fuente

Degree in Philosophy and PhD in Political Science

Member of the iQcoop consulting firm and director of the iQ Observatory. She has specialised in feminist theory and indicator-based measurem...

1 Articles

Retrat de Júlia Mas Maresma

Júlia Mas Maresma


Co-founder of the Projecte ella. She holds a Master’s Degree in Conflictology and is a group facilitator. She is currently pursuing a p...

1 Articles

Portrait of Xavier Theros

Xavier Theros

Writer and poet

Using the pseudonym Xavier Theros (Barcelona, 1963), Xavier Ballesteros Marqués is a writer and poet, and the author and actor of the monolo...

2 Articles

Retrat de Laia Pineda Rüegg

Laia Pineda Rüegg


The head of the Institut Infància i Adolescència de Barcelona [Barcelona Institute for Children and Adolescents]. She joined as project mana...

1 Articles

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