
He holds a PhD in Sociology from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Zaragoza. 

His research interests lie in the sociology of work and labour relations. He has been involved in approximately twenty European research projects, six of which he led as the principal researcher. He has authored over 40 publications, including book chapters, scientific articles and research reports.

Last Update: June 4, 2024

Articles by Pablo Sanz de Miguel

Illustration ©Patricia Cornellana
La metamorfosi del treballTeletreball, més dubtes que certeses

L’esclat de la covid-19 va desencadenar un augment sense precedents en les experiències de teletreball a la...

Illustration ©Patricia Cornellana
La metamorfosis del trabajoTeletrabajo, más dudas que certezas

El estallido del covid-19 desencadenó un aumento sin precedentes en las experiencias de teletrabajo en la...

Illustration ©Patricia Cornellana
The metamorphosis of workRemote work: More questions than answers

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic triggered an unprecedented surge in teleworking rates across the...

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