For tourism to have a positive impact on the citizens of Barcelona, its capacity and its pressure on the...
He is an economist who has served as a councillor in the municipalities of Falset and Barcelona. Until recently, he was Secretary for Economic Affairs in the Generalitat Government of Catalonia. Previously, he held roles as Director General of the Consortium of University Services of Catalonia and Managing Director of Abertis Airports.
Within the Generalitat, he also served as Commissioner for the Information Society and Director General of Industry. Puig has lectured in Economic Theory at the University of Barcelona (UB) and Infrastructure Markets at Pompeu Fabra University (UPF). He has published several books and is an active voice in the media, focusing particularly on the socioeconomic impact of tourism and the low-wage economic model.
Last Update: December 12, 2024
For tourism to have a positive impact on the citizens of Barcelona, its capacity and its pressure on the...
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