Retrat de Milagros Pérez Oliva


She is director of Barcelona Metròpolis and a member of the editorial team for El País newspaper.

Articles by Milagros Pérez Oliva

Il·lustració © Sonia Alins
New vulnerabilitiesNew vulnerabilities

We come from a time when we plausibly thought that, with preparation and effort, we could aspire to welfare without any upheaval. The 2008 crisis showed us that everything is much more...

Illustration © Eva Vázquez. A person looks at a painting of a ledger. The painting shows descending lines that emerge from the ledger and pierce through the ground.
Lessons from the crisisOpen wounds

There are more poor people today, and they have even less than before the crisis. Organised citizenship has tackled this situation with social innovation and solidarity, but worsening...

Il·lustració © Ana Yael Zareceansky. Un joc de puzzle de peces quadrades desendreçades. El puzzle és un mapa de l'àrea metropolitana de Barcelona amb els noms d'algunes de les poblacions.
Building the metropolisA new metropolitan governance

New economic, social and environmental issues cannot be addressed solely at a municipal level. It is time to consider a new model of institutional integration that enables metropolitan...

Il·lustració dossier "Ciutat digital" © Albert Tercero
The fight for digital sovereignty

We are moving towards the digital city. Technology is often identified with progress. It depends on the use to which they are put. Data has become the main infrastructure of the economy...

Fundació Vila Casas
The street kid who became an artist

Lita Cabellut

Anyone who is close to her will tell you that watching her create is a work of art in itself. Her studio is the scene of thousands of creative battles, where paint flows like water and...

Building city and citizenship

Barcelona Metròpolis takes on a new era with a new format, a new design and a new digital space. The new Barcelona Metròpolis wants to be a tool for promoting and...


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