Miralls del demà [Mirrors of tomorrow]



Parc del Centre del Poblenou - Nius i Pous del Cel - Enter on Diagonal, 116

IAAC - Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia

Is climate change a natural challenge or a direct consequence of human action? This question resonates at the Parc Central del Poblenou, where the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalunya (IAAC) presents Mirrors of Tomorrow, an installation that turns visitors’ voices into visions of the future.

Facing a monumental curved LED panel, visitors are invited to share their ideas about the future via a strategically located microphone. Their words are processed by artificial intelligence and then transformed into visual projections that illuminate the space with unique interpretations of possible futures.

The installation thus goes beyond mere interaction with technology to become a mirror of our collective fears and hopes. Each projection is a reminder of the urgency of doing something about the climate emergency and turns individual reflections into an immersive experience that confronts us with our shared responsibility for the future of our planet.

Students: Clara Carmona, Nitsan Mor, Jorge Muñoz, Marius Schairer, Ainhoa Arnaiz, Carmen Robres, Dhrishya Ramadass, Nathan Power, Dounia Moujahid, Atakan Çolak, Nyan Lin Aung Nyan, Qianyin Du, Ariadni Charoni, Erfan Rezaei, Govind Chithrath, Mert Ozkilic, Sevan Mohammadpour, Manuja Agnihotri and Arun Prasad.

Professors: Cristian Rizutti, Pablo Ros and Alexandra Kraeva.

Collaboration/Sponsorship: Miguel Diaz Servicios Audiovisuales.