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Artistic Director: Maria Güell

International guest curator: Martin Pošta

Artistic direction Assistant and school’s coordination: Sira Pizà

Cultural Programmes Direction: Esteve Caramés

Head of the Department of Festivals and Events: Anna Lleó

Production:  Àngels Perea, Assumpta Taulé and Paula Rañé

Technical Office: DM, Jordi Novell and Anna Castañé 

Administrative support: Jordi Parra, Gemma Torre, Clara Cendra and Marta Farrer

Technical direction: Àlex Faure and Miguel Ferrer

Communication ICUB:

Montserrat González

Laura Bayo 

Laura de Andrés

Núria Cuadrado

Cristian González

Manel Carrere

Anna Sevillano 

Anna de Bru

Eva Camisón

Cristina Yuste


Sponsorship and public relations:

Sandra Canadà

Jordi Ardèvol

Jenifer Carrasquilla


Press Office:

Belén Ginart

Guillem Talens

Maria Ustárroz


ICUB production and maintenance department:

Ascensi Mir

David Blasco

Eva Escuder

Oriol González

Judith Gámez

Sergio Fernández


And the departments of Information Systems, Legal Services, Production, Projects and Maintenance, Administration and Human Resources of the Institut de Cultura de Barcelona and the Communication Management of the Ajuntament de Barcelona

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