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Eixir (Come forth)
Castella, 5 (wall)
What would happen if in the absence of light we could see what used to be hidden? The installation Come Forth subverts the Enlightenment idea that light is the bearer of knowledge and truth and suggests that darkness is revelatory of hidden realities.
The work pays tribute to the neighbourhood movement in Poblenou and activists like Manel Andreu and revives the memory of the neighbourhood’s historical struggles: from the dismantlement of the electrical substation to the protests against gentrification.
Come Forth uses darkness in an innovative way to make residents’ messages visible, thus subverting the traditional idea of light as the only bearer of knowledge. The work transforms the space into an active social agent. The installation showcases the neighbourhood’s past and its struggles and connects contemporary art to the local reality and its inhabitants’ collective legacy.
Acknowledgements: Elisava Barcelona School of Design and Engineering (UVic-UCC) | 2024-25 | Master in Ephemeral Architecture and Temporary Spaces (MEATS) | Bachelor’s in Design and Innovation.
Students: Gwen Ackermann, Ya An, Amalia Bempi, Julia Blanch, Sofia Burin, Guillem Caballol, Enrico Carnielli, Andrea Checa, Carmen Clotet, Catalina Codino, Francisco Coloma, Irina Edo, Angela Escudero, Tania Lakkis, Laura Martín, Esther Mas, Stuart Medcalf, Lea Naim, Laura Norte, Gabriella Nucara, Carla Olivares, Raquel Quintana, Beatrice Rancati, Jose Rodríguez, Vicente Rojas, Eva Stamatiou, Carlota Tomba, Rodrigo Pastor and Stefania Zanetti.
Professors: Toni Montes, Xavier Bayona, Lina Bautista, Citlali Hernández and Roger Paez.