S’accepten ofrenes, cants i pregàries




Chimney Can Framis - Gardens Miquel Martí i Pol (Roc Boronat street, 116-126)

Institut del Teatre. ESAD


The smokestack of the old Can Framis factory, rising in the midst of a modernised landscape, is a perfect analogy for the clash of two eras that Poblenou is experiencing: an industrial past and an innovation-driven future that is increasingly gaining ground. S’accepten ofrenes, cants i pregàries [Offerings, Songs, and Prayers Accepted] is a warning sign about this increasingly threatening and fast-approaching outcome; it is a call to the community, a ritual space that must pay homage to a past that is still present, a large bonfire that we desperately want to keep from being extinguished.

STUDENTS: Allegra Abril, Hannah Bilsky, Montse Escolano, Sara Farré, Gina Moliné, Marcel Puigví,  Zoe Serrano and Maria Ubach

TUTORS: Marc Salicrú