Eternal Overload




Solar C. Tànger, 23

ESDAPC - Llotja Campus

Overload is a concept that expresses the saturation or overuse of something to the point where it can no longer function normally. We believe that we are functioning ‘normally’ and optimally as human beings because, despite all the inputs we receive, we ultimately fulfil our needs and obligations, but the reality is that the sense of derealisation is growing. The Eternal Overload installation consists of a sculptural inflatable head made of geometric translucent plastic patterns, suspended from the ceiling to give the public a 360-degree view of the whole. The simulated brain inside the head represents the persistence of the human mind despite apparent rest. The lights within the head change colour depending on whether the eyes of the ‘God of Overload’ are open or closed. This effect serves to illustrate the idea of continuity of thought.

STUDENTS: Marta Aixalà, Judit Castellà, Maite Carpena, Santi Velandia, Pedro D'Onofrio, Ona Canudas, Aura Bravo, Berta Pascual, Núria Aguadé, Daniel Pérez, Ruth Fernandez, Carla Masclans, Sara Díaz, Emma Pérez, Gina Pascual, Carlos González, Martina Làzaro, Bernat Montraveta, Enrique Hurtado, Arnau de Monserrat, Andrea Mendoza, Alex Jimenez, Aina Gonzalez, Aleksandra Mytnik and Weronika Zaitz

TUTORS: Laura Aragon and Rafel Oliva

COLLABORATION AND SPONSORSHIP: Ricardo Cançado and Divermax Eventos