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Wood Wide Web
OFF Llum
Ciutat de Granada, 34-36 (BAU - Granada Building)
When we walk through woodland, we are not aware that one of the most brilliant biological mysteries lies concealed beneath our feet; nature that we can't see, but which is of crucial importance for the health of living woodland beings and their survival.
Wood Wide Web is a light installation that simulates the network of underground connections that trees, fungi and bacteria use to communicate with each other. The installation transmits a visual representation of how these living beings connect their roots and, via biochemical and electrical signals, are able to feed, look after themselves and even warn each other about possible threats.
Trees, fungi and bacteria may not possess a brain like humans do, but they don't need one either, because together they form one giant brain. We have built an artificial World Wide Web in order to speed up communication, but nature has been working on its own version for a very long time.
STUDENTS: Andrea Badia (nddr3), José Andrés Cubillas Gómez del Campo, Luis Díaz González, Carlos Dubón Grádiz (re.dubbed), Marina Gómez Corbí, Biel López, Miquel Martínez, José Plata, Gerard Valls Montaño.
In collaboration with ProtoPixel and LEDS C4.
The collective work of digital/multi-disciplinary artists, made up of pupils and students at Barcelona's BAU University Centre of Art and Design, in collaboration with ProtoPixel and LEDS C4.