In Our Mind's Eye (IOME)




Utopia 126 (Carrer de Cristóbal de Moura, 126)

Ben Kreukniet

Type: Installation

Audience: All ages

In Our Mind’s Eye is an installation about the limit of human senses and how we use technology to expand this area. This creation is based on the premise that a large percentage of reality comes from what we cannot directly observe and what we see only in our mind's eye. At the same time, the work acts as a tool for studying the mechanisms behind human vision and attempting to overcome the separation between our perceptions of light and sound.

The installation’s starting point is human trichromatic vision: the sensitivity of our eyes to long, medium and short wavelengths of light (red, green and blue), and consequently the design of cameras and digital screens with RGB light sensors and diodes. The result is a perceptive feedback loop between humans, technology and nature, where technologies for capturing and showing images originally designed according to the senses control the way we see and experience the world.