



Parc del Centre del Poblenou

UPC School of Professional and Executive Development

Type: Installation

Audience: All ages

La nostra llum és aigua. [Our light is water]. We are 70% water. And this proposal shows what is already here with us, the elemental.

The installation is an invitation to reconcile ourselves with our origins: water slides out of its container and reflects wherever the light reaches.

I am part of the space because I am the water. Everything is useful, apparent, and a more sensitive reality with unstable shapes under constant change.

In Elemental, the worlds of air and water merge into a space that invites spectators to look up and let their imagination soar.

Students: Enrico Ambra, Katherine Lizeth Ballon, Berta Escalas, Daniela Holfeltz, María Magdalena Larrain, Arianna Longworth, Luciana Paola Morey, Kenia Rodríguez, Roser Tutusaus and Ivón Larisa Zavala.

Tutors:  Coque Claret and Josep Ricart.

Collaborators: Lidia Angelini, Juan Pablo Bruno, Paulina Casillas, Consuelo Coumerme, Alba Garriga, Persa Hajiyani, Arianna Marsili, Nicolás Molina, Cristina Ortega, Juan Pablo Ramírez, Belén Sánchez, Itziar Solanes and Cristina Vargas.

With the support of: Barcelona Centre for Contemporary Culture