Ink Space Project




Casa de les Lletres

Plaça de Dolors Piera

Pep Camps i Diego Suárez

Ink Space Project is a space created by Pep Camps and Diego Suárez, dedicated to visual artists who work directly and manually with light and colour. It is a participatory show where each artist will show their creative process and their way of understanding light and colour, using only manual, analogue methods. For the first time, the interactive installation Liquid Mechanics, created by the groups ene_ene, !ME and Ana Unga, will be presented.

Collaboration: Urban Gallery


Friday 14

 7 pm Diego Suárez masterclass

8 pm Live performance by Linalab && !ME

9 pm - midnight Interactive installation "Liquid Mechanics"


Saturday, 15

7 pm Laura Iturralde masterclass

8 pm Live performance by Linalab && !ME

9 pm - midnight Interactive installation "Liquid Mechanics"


Sunday, 16

7 pm Pep Camps masterclass

9 pm - 11 pm Conte Mediterrani Audiovisuals, by Pep Campos