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Verd botella (Bottle green)
Jardí del Sol. Carrer de la Ciutat de Granada, 102
School of Architecture. UIC Barcelona
Plastic bottles for recycling and re-used Christmas lights are joining forces with the Jardí del Sol's climber plants to turn the party wall green that holds up this unique vertical and self-sufficient wall. Plastic abuse in our society can be seen in the number of bottles arising from selective waste collections, which are establishing a dialogue with existing solar panels, re-used lights and the garden itself, in a reflection on the importance of our actions in preserving the environment.
Students: Carla Andrade, Pol Arbós, Nieves Blakstad, Estefi Bonavia, Sebas Crespí, Cinta Lluís, Guillermo Marfà, Eduard Pagés, Carles Raiteri and Genís Vilalta
Tutors: Iñaki Baquero and Marta García-Orte