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Passatge de Trullàs
ESDAP, Campus Llotja
Storm is an immersive experience where a storm is created that aims to awaken within the audience the primitive feeling that rises in us the moment a storm breaks. This sensory experience based on the impact of the bolts of lightning flows inside the spectator, culminating in a state where they are able to contemplate the beauty of this meteorological phenomenon.
Students: Ian Alcalá, Aïda Almacellas, Paula Arenas, Gissell Basurto, Eva Castany, Àngels Dimitri, Rubén Domínguez, Albert Duarte, Dafne García, Georgina Lacoma, Adrià Linares, Marcel Mendola, Javier Ortiz, Ana Pascual, Marina Peña, Aitor Sedano and Clara Valverde
Tutors: Rodri Barón Segovia, Sofia Isus, Jordi Plana Marquès and Laura Aragón Duat
Collaborators: Ricardo Cançado (Programming Technician)
Sponsors: Escenotecnic
Special mention: ADIF