Work maps

From now until 16 June

Minor work will be carried out in La Rambla to prepare provisional mobility in the avenue for these first few months. Specifically, various provisional vehicle crossings will be set up in La Rambla to allow residents to get in and out of the Gòtic neighbourhood and guarantee access to emergency vehicles and urban goods distribution vehicles (DUM).

These will be located at Portaferrissa-Carme, Pla de l’Ós, Ferran, Colom (access via Plaça Reial) and Escudellers.

From 17 June

Mobility planned for the start of work from 17 June. These maps will change and adapt as the work progresses and will be shown periodically on the relevant websites and channels.

Access to homes, shops, parking, cultural spaces such as theatres and museums, and the passage of services and emergency vehicles will always be guaranteed. Loading and unloading will be restricted to designated spaces.

In this stage, vehicles will only be able to travel on the ascending side of the avenue, on the Raval side. Circulation within the adjacent neighbourhoods is set out in Map 1.


The new loading and unloading areas in La Rambla are indicated in Map 2. Loading and unloading within these neighbourhoods will remain unchanged.

Each stage of the work will cover a section of roughly 50 metres. The first sections are indicated in Map 2.

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