Trobada Internacional de Gegants as part of “600 years of giants in Barcelona”

  • sat 21: 5.00 pm to 7.00 pm · 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm · 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm
    sun 22: 10.00 am to 12.00 pm
    See all schedules

Trobada Internacional de Gegants as part of “600 years of giants in Barcelona”

Did you know that Barcelona saw the first appearance of giants to be documented in the world, in 1424? Yet the history of giants goes well beyond our city. These imposing characters are a part of cultures all over the planet, from the warriors and samurai of Asia to the ritual totems of Africa, the giantesses of Nicaragua, the Carnival giants of Brazil and the Samsons of Austria.

The City Giants have decided to bring this cultural wealth to the heart of Barcelona this year for La Mercè. Giants from various European countries and others with South American roots are coming together for a first-of-a kind international meeting. The gathering will fill our streets with colour, music and diversity, offering us a chance to experience an unforgettable display.

With the participation of festival groups from Dendermonde (Belgium); Geraardsbergen (Belgium); Roermond (Netherlands); Maastricht (Netherlands); Murau (Austria); Newcastle (England); Kíiv (Ukraine); Wolfenbüttel (Germany); Costa Rica; Nicaragua; Sant Sebastià - Donostia (Basque Country); Vitoria-Gasteiz (Basque Country); Calahorra (La Rioja); Saragossa (Aragón); Maó (Menorca), and Gegants de la Ciutat (Barcelona).

Programme-summary of the Trobada Internacional de Gegants:

Saturday 21 September

5.00 pm. Gathering in Plaça de Catalunya

6.00 pm. Street parade: Rambla, Ferran and Plaça de Sant Jaume

7.30 pm. Dance display in Plaça de Sant Jaume

Sunday, 22 September

9.30 am. Gathering in Plaça de Sant Jaume

10.00 am. Dance display in Plaça de Sant Jaume

10.45 am. Street parade: Ferran and Rambla (towards Plaça de Catalunya)

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List of points shown on the map

    Jump to map start
    • Pl Sant Jaume, 1
    • Ciutat Vella
    • el Barri Gòtic
    • 08002 Barcelona

    Schedule by range in this space

    September 21st morning

    Matí Bastoner i Cercavila

    La Plaça de Sant Jaume
    SAT 21 · 10.00 am to 12.00 pm

    September 21st evening

    Close of MercèDansa and Galop de la Mercè

    La Plaça de Sant Jaume
    SAT 21 · 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm