Creativity, performances and tradition, in a Mercè for everyone

Everyone is the target audience of the over 270 performances of the Mercè Arts de Carrer, in a Festa Major that commemorates the 650th anniversary of the Eagle.

12/09/2024 - 12:15 h - Culture and leisure Ajuntament de Barcelona

Do you like tradition? Don’t want to miss any of the Mercè Arts de Carrer shows? You don’t have to choose because it’s all there in a Mercè festival to enjoy with friends or family. This year’s celebration spreads all over the city with performances by the 75 companies of the Mercè Arts de Carrer, one of the great festivals that form part of La Mercè, but it also brings together a whole host of traditional events, including a new activity to get everyone moving and celebrate the fact that the City’s Eagle has celebrated its 650th anniversary, which is no mean feat.

It’s all part of the programme of La Mercè 2024, a great Barcelona festival that takes activities from the mountains to the sea, and which recovers old festive spaces, finds new ones and repeats some of the great classics. Thus, in the framework of the Cultural Regatta that accompanies the America’s Cup, the Mercè Arts de Carrer is opening two new venues: the Olympic Port (Mestral Mill) and Nova Icària Beach, which host innovative proposals in both small and large format. This year Parc de la Trinitat, a fun and participatory space for all ages, is back, and there will again be celebrations in classic venues such as Castell de Montjuïc and Palauet Albéniz.

The programme includes music, theatre, dance and circus, as well as visual and sound performances. From the sea of proposals, don’t miss activities such as those programmed by Jordi Duran at Parc de l’Estació del Nord and Parc de la Trinitat, with a combination of performing arts, workshops and immersive experiences that invite participation. Platja de la Nova Icària will be transformed into a stage space with the Teatres de Campanya proposal. What if the city were a musical sheet?

Jordi Querol, in charge of programming the Castell de Montjuïc, shows the best international circus at the venue, while Cristina Cazorla has taken charge of the new space at the Olympic Port, where you will find an offer designed for the whole family. Sergi Ots programmes an intimate and multidisciplinary experience at Palauet Albéniz. And at the Parc de l’Aqüeducte, Pallassos Sense Fronteres and Tortell Poltrona present the show El riure, una arma de construcció massiva.

As you will remember, Casablanca is the host city of La Mercè, so there will be plenty of artists to see at the Festa Major, including choreographers Kader Attou and Mourad Merzouki, with Danser Casa (Parc de l’Estació del Nord), a demonstration of the talent of eight young Moroccan dancers dedicated to urban dances. At Castell de Montjuïc, pay attention to Colokolo, a company that performs a theatrical circus with a Moroccan identity. Expect juggling, lots of acrobatics, a bit of dance and high flying.

New performances such as Carrer 024, by the dancer and choreographer Sol Picó (Port Olímpic), the visual and sound show by Marc Salicrú Interferència 01, at the Platja de la Nova Icària, Cicatrius, by the choreographer Vero Cendoya, and a Palauet Albéniz with areas adapted for people with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and accessible shows for people with functional diversity are some of the other proposals that deserve special attention.

As far as popular culture is concerned, tradition will be the protagonist of a festival that begins after the Festa Major proclamation, which will be given by the illustrator Carme Solé Vendrell. On 21 and 22 September, on the Rambla and Plaça Sant Jaume, don’t miss the Trobada Internacional de Gegants (International Giant Puppet meeting) and on 24 September, the Cavalcade of La Mercè, but neither should you miss the 74th sardana contest (22 September on the avinguda de la Catedral) , no, on the same 22nd,  the Historic Castellers’ Day, as this year the guests of the host group (Castellers de Barcelona) are the Colla Jove Xiquets de Valls and the Minyons de Terrassa. Finally, on the 24th of September, it is the traditional La Mercè Castellers‘ Day, in which all the Barcelona Castellers’ groups take part: the Castellers de Barcelona, Esquerdats de l’Eixample, Jove de Barcelona, Poble-Sec, Sagrada Família, Sants, Sarrià and Vila de Gràcia.

Some celebrations remind us of important anniversaries: one is the two-hundredth anniversary of Josep Anselm Clavé, the musician whose sarsuela L’aplec del Remei will be performed on the 23rd.

Well, if you like anniversary celebrations, come and dance at the one organised by L’Àliga de la Ciutat, which is celebrating its 650th anniversary in Plaça de Sant Jaume on Sunday 22 September.  Titled “Àliga is going out”, there will be a dance and a parade, a new festive experience in which the most important thing (after the Eagle) is your participation.

If you don’t want to miss the Mercè Arts de Carrer shows or the traditional events of La Mercè 2024, check this link for all the information about the programmed activities.

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