Meet, Share, Grow: Workplace disrupted - The future of work

  • March 18th: Your Network is your Networth
  • April 15th: Workplace disrupted - The future of work
  • ​May 13th: Network leadership
  • June 10th: Unlocking your potential
  • July 8th: Give and take
  • September 9th: Don't sell: facilitate!
  • October 7th: Multiplyme
  • October 23rd: Barcelona International Community Day
  • November 12th: What you do is who you are
  • December 9th: Be a doer


Workplace disrupted - The future of work

The pandemic has given us an excellent opportunity to transition from designing workplaces for efficiency to designing for effectiveness, inclusion, resilience and sustainability. It is key for all of us to realize that all this is not some ‘far future’ crystal gazing, but rather change is already happening and accelerating. If we don’t acknowledge, own and act on change, we will be scrambling to adjust rather than being in a position to shape things. To paraphrase an old proverb - the best time to start was yesterday, the second best is right now!

In this session, we will share and discuss five main areas of the workplace that are rapidly gaining a new shape and will share tips on how to not only face these changes and adjustments, but tips on how to be an active participant in forming your own professional future. 

Moderator: Bibiana Cunningham, virtual space facilitator and business accelerator.


Online session through ZOOM.

Free registration at Barcelona International Community digital platform.

  • Online networking
    Plataforma digital Barcelona International Community
  • 15/04/2021
  • English