Meet, Share, Grow: Unlocking your potential


March 18th: Your Network is your Networth

April 15th: Workplace disrupted - The future of work

May 13th: Network leadership

June 10th: Unlocking your potential

July 8th: Give and take

September 9th: Don't sell: facilitate!

October 7th: Multiplyme

October 23rd: Barcelona International Community Day

November 12th: What you do is who you are

December 9th: Be a doer


Unlocking your potential

We live in an economy of identity and personal brand. We seek authenticity and hear that doing what we love is key to success. Searching for passion in our jobs, in our professional activities is a new concept, a new, recent way we consider and value our professional interactions, the circumstances and the time we dedicate to work.

We are purpose driven as employees, independent professionals and business owners. This new lense through which we view and condition our professional involvement has a whole new set of requirements on how to manage our professional profiles, commitment and our reputation. We will take a closer look at where to draw the line between dedication and burn out, as well as between our authentic selves and professional roles in a collaboration driven environment.

We will all actively participate in a networking activity during which we will build an ALLIANCE. We will connect to create a professional promise, through which we will begin to unlock our individual potential.


Moderator: Bibiana Cunningham, virtual space facilitator and business accelerator.


Online session through ZOOM.

Free registration at Barcelona International Community digital platform.

  • Online networking
    Plataforma digital Barcelona International Community
  • 10/06/2021
  • English