Meet, Share, Grow: The Meaning of Collaboration

The meaning of collaboration

In 2023, we are organising the “Meet, Share, Grow” programme, consisting of four on-site sessions run by Bibiana Cunningham, networking trainer and business accelerator.

The sessions will look at new perspectives on the professional and business world, presenting tools and resources to improve your skills and help to advance your projects.

The aim is to get together with other people in order to generate opportunities, learn and expand your network of contacts in a valuable, lasting way.

The scheduled sessions are as follows:

  • Your Network is your Networth (Thursday 23 March)
  • Digital Cultures and Agile Management (Thursday 11 May)
  • The Meaning of Collaboration (Thursday 15 June)
  • All you have to do is ask (Thursday 28 September)


"Meet, Share, Grow" (3/4): The meaning of collaboration

We live in an increasingly interconnected world, and this also affects relationships in the workplace and the way we understand collaboration with our colleagues or partners. Our ability to relate to others, grow and nurture a professional network within and outside the team or work circle is a key component, and often the missing ingredient, for effective collaboration.

In this session, we will discuss the true meaning of collaboration in face-to-face, hybrid, and remote work environments, and how we can leverage these relationships more efficiently, productively, and satisfactorily. We will also explain some tools and practices to develop collaborative skills among the participants.

Networking drinks at th end of the session.

Sign up for this session and make a note on your calendar for upcoming sessions so you don't miss out.

Free in-person event, prior registration. The attendance is limited, places will be allocated on a first come-first serve basis.


  • Centre per a la Iniciativa Emprenedora Glòries (Barcelona Activa)
    Carrer de la Llacuna, 162-164
  • 15/06/2023
    5.30 pm - 7.30 pm
  • English