2021 Global Talent Trends. Best practices of companies with international teams


This session will be a presentation of the 2021 Global Talent Trends report , drawn up by the consultants Mercer with the participation of numerous companies from all over the world and, for the first time, the main focus is on the Spanish market. The presentation will cover the study’s main conclusions on a local and international level and explain the factors which are marking the start of a new era in HR management.

This will be followed by some company success stories to find out first hand how they are defining their staff needs and how their way of working is being transformed in order to adapt to the new situation.

This session, with a practical focus, is targeted at directors and professionals with responsibilities in the area of human resources and general management.



  • Welcome and Presentation

          - Judith Romera, responsible for projects for the International Talent of the City Promotion Management, Barcelona City Council

  • Presentation of the 2021 Global Talent Trends Report

​          - Juanvi Martínez, the HR director at Mercer

  • Experiences of international talent management

         - ​Maria Ángeles González, director of HR International Coordination at Banc Sabadell

         - Núria Pairot, HR Senior Manager at Hipra

         - Lluc Pejó i Climent, talented director at Suez Spain and from the Escuela del Agua

  • ​Moderator: Rosa di Capua, partner at Mercer.
  • Questions and answers
  • Closing


Online session through ZOOM.

Free registration at Barcelona International Community digital platform.




  • Webinar
    Plataforma digital Barcelona International Community
  • 17/06/2021
  • Spanish