12 steps for creating your own professional brand


We all have a personal brand: it is an intrinsic part of us from the moment we are born and makes it possible for the people around us to form an image of us. But this does not always result in the impact that we would like; it depends on many factors and, in most cases, it is a consequence of our natural and circumstantial behaviour.

The challenge is to transform that reality so that it works in your favour, creating a professional brand that combines your personality and talent in order to achieve the personal and professional goals that you have always dreamed of.

Creating a strong professional brand will enable you to earn more money, select the jobs you wish to do, form teams, gain access to better professional posts and collaborate on interesting projects, as well as being considered an authority and consulted as a source of opinion.

In this masterclass, we will follow a series of twelve steps to plan the creation of your professional brand, based on your personal values and strategic goals.

Work on your brand and take control of your professional future!


The session will be led by Verónica González Peña, a graphic designer and brand strategy expert with more than 20 years of experience advising and creating brands for companies in different countries. She is the CEO & founder of Iconbetha, a branding and communication agency and director of institutional relations at IconbethaMedia, a digital media production company. Since 2021 she has been a certified mentor of the Spanish Mentoring Network and co-leads different research and thought spaces on branding and strategic design, sustainability, technology and innovation in public and private entities.


Free on-site event, upon registration.

The attendance is limited, places will be allocated on a first come-first serve basis.

  • Centre per a la Iniciativa Emprenedora Glòries (Barcelona Activa).
    Carrer de la Llacuna, 162-164, Barcelona
  • 04/10/2022
    From 5:30 p.m to 7:00 p.m
  • Spanish