The new SAIER head office brings together and adds more support services for migrants and refugees

Located at C/ Tarragona, 173, the new facility for the Care Service for Immigrants, Migrants and Refugees (SAIER) brings together all the services so far offered at different points around the city. As from today, this important service for migrants and refugees will be centralised in two centres in the neighbourhood of Hostafrancs: the new facility and the offices at C/ Tarragona, 141, already operative.

21/10/2024 15:25 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

The Care Service for Immigrants, Migrants and Refugees (SAIER) is a municipal resource set up in 1989 to provide all-round support for newly arrived people in the city. The service offers information and advice on immigration, international protection, migration and voluntary returns, enabling users to be referred to different resources according to their needs:

  • Shelter services
  • Specialised support services
    • Social Care Service
    • Legal Advice Services
    • Guidance Service for Validation of Qualifications, Training and Employment
  • Guidance on linguistic support (CNL)
  • Comprehensive Support Service: Municipal Refugee Support Programme NAUSICA

All these services are provided through collaboration with specialised resources and organisations:

The SAIER offers face-to-face assistance with an appointment, assistance by phone (93 153 28 00) and emergency assistance. More information on services and opening times.

The new SAIER headquarters

The new premises have 1,900 square metres of floor space, with support rooms featuring children’s spaces and a breast-feeding room, as well as rooms for personalised assistance. Besides support for users, the new building brings all the services together in one place, in a building on different floors and a staff of 90 people.

The building at C/ Tarragona, 141, which was already operational, still has the main entrance and reception area for the SAIER, where professionals from the Guidance and Support Service for Immigrant Residents (SOAPI) receive users. The new building at number 173 houses all specialised services and the Directorate for Immigration and Refuge.

Over 19,000 people attended to

The SAIER attended to 19,509 people in 2023, including 6,065 asylum seekers of 134 different nationalities and 26 different languages, requiring translation services in 3,585 instances. The main demands included requests relating to requests for food, urgent social support, work permits and regularisations, as well as training, psychological support, denied applications and asylum appointments.

During the first semester of 2024, one aspect that stands out is the arrival of people arriving from the Canary Islands having reached there by sea from Africa, with a significant increase in people from Senegal, Algeria and Morocco.

Also significant is the increase in people of Ukrainian origin as a consequence of the war there, and the increase in support provided for people of Palestinian origin, rising from 4 people in the first semester of 2023 to 40 in the first half of 2024. Besides these trends, the most common profile is that of people with Colombian, Venezuelan or Peruvian nationality.



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