The ‘Citizen board for a safe and respectful night’ is formed
Administrations, police corps and associations of retailers, restaurateurs, citizens and the nightlife sector have constituted the ‘Citizen board for a safe and respectful night’, which will analyse gatherings in public space at night and put forward solutions to tackle uncivil behaviour.
The board is essentially for making proposals and all members have been asked to contribute, whether in the general sense or on matters which directly relate to their sphere of activity. The analysis of nightlife activities and the proposals to be made in this citizen debate will provide a point of reference for the design of municipal strategies, such as the Action Plan for a Safe and Respectful Night. This plan will be drafted and presented at the next meetings by the board and will put forward specific action to tackle different aspects of this phenomenon relating to policing, the management and maintenance of public space, conflict management, cleaning, communication and awareness, districts, inspections, mediation, fines, alternative measures and support for alternative leisure activities.
Current measures
Measures are currently being carried out in this area, such as a pilot mediation project and other intervention measures in the area around C/ Pere IV. This is being coordinated with local leisure establishments, the City Police and prevention services in the District of Sant Martí to look for ways of reducing the impact of large gatherings of people in the street. Work is also being done with representatives out and about in the streets to reduce inconvenience from noise, along with the installation of portable toilets in some areas and other measures in the districts.
At the same time, the Conflict Management Service is also drafting a social analysis of the intensive use of public space to gauge the profile of people who gather there at night and find a better inter-institutional response.