Urban planning and infrastructures
Urban planning and infrastructures
Urban planning and infrastructures
Carrer de Sant Antoni Abat enters second stage of redevelopment
13/08/2024 09:13 h
Urban planning and infrastructures
Increased efforts to stabilise slopes in mountain districts
07/08/2024 13:14 h
Urban planning and infrastructures
First major facilities at the future Model defined
02/08/2024 13:55 h
Urban planning and infrastructures
Urban planning and infrastructures
New byelaw will foster innovation in the city
25/07/2024 13:03 h
Education and studies
Eighty projects to improve schools in Barcelona
24/07/2024 16:06 h
Climate emergency
Testing begins with a scale model of the future trunk sewer for Av. Diagonal
24/07/2024 11:08 h
Urban planning and infrastructures
Housing renovation work under way in El Besòs i el Maresme
23/07/2024 16:28 h