Every nativity scene, “little shepherd” representation and living nativity scene in the city, in one programme

28/11/2022 10:34 h

Cultura Popular

We’re now back. Barcelona is once again being decked out with lights, garlands and trees to usher in the Christmas festivities. But if there’s one authentic type of decoration during these dates it would have to be nativity scenes. You will find them in every shape and form, and to suit all tastes: small, monumental, traditional, exotic, modern, artistic and so on.

The city is being transformed and filled with nativity scenes, living nativity scenes, representations of the Pastorets or “little shepherds” and songs of the Sybil. We can enjoy all these in our neighbourhood centres, schools, festival centres, community centres, churches and streets. And all together, thanks to the dozens of associations working throughout the year to enable our Christmas traditions to fill our neighbourhoods once again with excitement and good cheer.

This year, what’s more, we’ll be seeing a return of the Pessebre tradicional de Barcelona, at Museu Frederic Marès.

All that you’ll see for yourselves, and with every safety feature in place, find yourselves smitten with the Song of Sybil, take a stroll past the living nativity scenes, have fun watching with Little Shepherds and admire the nativity scenes. Enjoy them!

You can check out the 2022 Christmas Communal Culture Programme here.