EU Next Generation funds for 90 initiatives for the future of the city
The City Council directly manages 275.8 of the 2,000 million plus euros for the city, which is being used to launch projects in spheres such as mobility, urban greenery and housing renovation and will run until 2026.Nearly half the budget allocated for projects has now been executed. The projects have the common goal of progressing towards a more human city, more competitive and adapted to new ecological and technological challenges.
Altogether, the drive for sustainable mobility, the regeneration of public space and measures on electric vehicles account for over 100 million euros in investment, which must add more recharging points, eight solar energy installations, street calming and an additional 28 kilometres of bike lanes.
The programme of subsidies for renovation and urban regeneration, aimed at improving housing, has been bolstered by 68 million euros. Social projects have also been carried out, including funding for five new nursery schools.
The funding is designed to drive the economic revitalisation of local markets and commerce, to create quality jobs and digitalise the administration, with an investment of around 20 million euros.
Yet the impact of the EU Next Generation funds has been much broader, with public and private organisations as a whole in Barcelona attracting 2,000 million euros in funding for projects carried out in the city.