Veus paral·leles 13

  • Altres

Del Saimaa a l'Albufera

Three Finnish and three Catalan poets, from three different generations, recite their poetry. From her script, an actress links these six poetic works and, when necessary, reads in Catalan poems recited in Finnish.

Moist, soft earth. Dry, hard ground. Cold, dark sea. Sea of whales. Clear, warm sea. Sea of sirens. Land of great lakes. Land of dry river beds. Finno-Ugric, Uralic language. Indo-European, Latin language. The Kalevala and Canigó. At opposite ends of Europe, Catalan and Finnish, with no link, no bond to join them. None? Historically, they had their moment of brutality, after which they were violently conquered. They share a cultural revival at the same period in history, as well as an insistence on their own identity. But lakes and forests and mountains, plains and the sea are not without form; they are landscapes because they have a name, legends and history, and what gives them form are the name and the stories, inseparably joined to a language and a culture, untranslatable, and what may link the two are the universal nature poetry, that which, unlike landscapes and worldviews, share all the traditions of all cultures.

This year, the event features works by the poets Cinta Mulet (1958), Helena Sinervo (1961), Begonya Pozo (1974), Mikael Brygger (1975), Harri Hertell (1985) and Pau Vadell (1984).

Artistic card

Autoria: Mikael Brygger, Harri Hertell, Cinta Mulet, Begonya Pozo, Helena Sinervo, Pau Vadell.; Guió: Albert Mestres; Coordinació: Albert Mestres; Posada en escena: Albert Mestres; Intèrpret: Mireia Chalamanch;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    9 pm
  • Space

    El Born Centre de Cultura i Memòria
  • Duration
    60 min
  • Price
    Free admission. Places limited.