Too late! (antigone) contest #2

  • Teatre


Is it possible to rewrite the tragedy in the 21st-century? The myth of Antigone lies at the heart of a production that is also a call for action, proposing a kind of "poetic terrorism".

Someone once said that Antigone was “the tragedy of the too late”, because all the characters seem to act or mend their ways only after something irreparable has occurred. Is it also too late for us, the inhabitants of today’s chaotic world? That is the question posed by the creators of this work, the second part in a series (“Syrma Antigones”) in which classical tragedy is reworked as part of theatre that proposes action and stirs “the feeling of impotence that lives within us”. On stage, Motus puts power relations under the microscope, whether as seen in an Italian family or in media that behave like parents who know exactly what is best for their “children/citizens”.  Be prepared to witness a work that unfolds against a minimal set and which pushes beyond the limits of conventional theatre. Is it too late for us?


Artistic card

Concepció i direcció: Enrico Casagrande, Daniela Nicolò; Dramatúrgia: Daniela Nicolò; Intèrprets: Silvia Calderoni, Vladimir Aleksic; Espai sonor: Enrico Casagrande; Direcció tècnica: Valeria Foti ; Producció executiva local: Factoria Escènica Internacional (FEI);




  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    8 pm (Sunday, 6 pm)
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    55 min
  • Price
    e 24