Sant Andreu Jazz Band

  • Música

Swinging and Dancing with a Smile

Some of Catalonia's most talented young jazz musicians, with special guests Ricard Gili on trumpet, dance by Maniacs and the voices of Andrea Motis, Eva Fernández, Magalí Datzira and Alba Armengou.

You’ll be amazed, that is, if you are not already a fan of this band, formed six years ago in Barcelona’s Sant Andreu neighbourhood. For these musicians are just seven to eighteen years old, but perform as if they were born playing sax, trumpet or piano. Formed by the youngest talents on the Catalan jazz scene, the band has already released three CDs featuring guest appearances by some of the world’s leading jazz stars.

In this joyful, energetic show, the young musicians will also sing and dance, and the audience will surely tap their feet to the rhythms of a rich repertoire as lindy hop and tap dancers accompany this heady mixture of Dixie, New Orleans, swing, big band, bebop, funk and vocal jazz. A show that will have us all swinging, dancing and and smiling to beat the hand.

Artistic card

Direcció: Joan Chamorro; Trompeta: Ricard Gili; Ball: Swing Maniacs: Jana Grulichová, Neus Castells, Lorena Medina, Jordi Mundet, Xavi Recuenco, Hector Artal, Ludovico Hombravella (claquetista); Saxo: Eva Fernández, Joan Martí, Alba Esteban, Marçal Perramon, Iscle Datzira, Jaume Ferrer, Carles Vázquez, Helena Pañart, Eugeni Mas, Eduard Ferrer; Trompetes: Martí Ibáñez, Pablo Fernández, Andrea Motis, Alba Armengou, Elsa Armengou, Víctor Carrascosa, Joan Maria Sauqué; Trombó: Max Tato, Paula Berzal, Joan Codina, Eva Garin; Trompa: Max Salgado; Piano: Marc Martín, Jan Domènech, Marc Ferrer; Guitarra: Carla Motis; Contrabaix: Magalí Datzira; Bateria: Joan Aleix Mata, Arnau Julia, Ivan Cervantes;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    10 pm
  • Space

    Teatre Grec

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 36, 08038 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Price
    e 16-24