A Nation is Born in Me

  • Escena híbrida

Søren Evinson / L’Antic Teatre al Grec 2019

Innovative, riscky, contemporary and critical… so are the shows programmed yearly by Antic Teatre. During the Grec festival this scenario offers a sound opportunity to be part of the newest artístic scene.

Joining a lot of people to do something, feel pleasure, exercise power, exclude others ... A Nation Is Born in me explores how these aspects, and some others, work together to strengthen themselves. The performance builds a scenic landscape that translates the operating dynamics of the nationalist and identity movements born  in 21st century Europe, and combines them with identity politics, media and sports culture, causing a strange closeness between apparently aesthetic opposites

A show by Søren Evinson, author, director and performer trained at the Institut del Teatre of Barcelona and at the Central School of Speech and Drama of the University of London. This is the first piece conceived alone, in which he combines choreographic materials with text and singing.

A co-production TNT - Terrassa Noves Tendències, Le Phénix Valenciennes (France), Antic Teatre (Barcelona) and Kulturfabrik (Luxemburg).

With the suport of el Graner, centre de creació, Mercat de les Flors, Konvent.0, L’Estruch. Fàbrica de creació de les arts en viu (Sabadell), Teatre Enjòlit and Generalitat De Catalunya.

We warn spectators that this show uses stroboscopic light.

Artistic card

Concept, author, creation and interpretation: Søren Evinson Musical composition: Daniel Papell Artistic accompaniment: Florine Lindner Costume: Samara Scott Scenography construction: Charlie Hope Lighting design: Julia Bauer Assistance to production: Marine Budin


  • Dates
  • Space

    Antic Teatre

    Carrer Verdaguer i Callís, 12, 08003 Barcelona

  • Duration
  • Language
  • Price
    12 € online / 15 € taquilla