La Ciudad

  • Escena híbrida

Verónica Navas Ramírez / L’Antic Teatre al Grec 2019

Innovative, riscky, contemporary and critical… so are the shows programmed yearly by Antic Teatre. During the Grec festival this scenario offers a sound opportunity to be part of the newest artístic scene.

What if we entered the city by the most subtle route? From memories,   imagination, the heard and read versions, fortuitous thoughts or the traces left by those who live there. In an intimate play between live and deferred, audiovisual and live arts, Verónica Navas recreates an ever subjective city on stage for only nine spectators: a common ground, similar to a table, around which public and performer will be seated and will soon become a screen on which La Ciudad (The City) will appear (real or not, never mind) in all its dimension. There will be projections, objects will appear and urban stories will be heard.

This stage performance has been created by Verónica Navas Ramírez, who graduated in direction and dramaturgy by the Institut del Teatre, has degree in Audiovisual Communication and a Master in Film and Television script. You may have seen her performing in scenic proposals such as Hasta agotar existencias/ until stocks run out, (Ensayando para que la muerte de mi madre no me pille desprevenida/rehearsing my mother’s death before it catches me unprepared), at 2017 Grec Festival of Barcelona, or Un paseo colectivo/A collective walk (with Xavier Manubens).

A co-production of 2019 Grec Festival of Barcelona, Antic Teatre – Espai de Creació, Festival SÂLMON< 2019 and Verónica Navas Ramírez.

With the collaboration of Graner, centre de creació de dansa i arts vives, La Caldera Les Corts, L’Estruch. Fàbrica de creació de les arts en viu (Sabadell) and Institut del Teatre de la Diputació de Barcelona.

Artistic card

Concept and creaton: Verónica Navas Ramírez Technical manager: Sergio Roca Saiz Video and Technical advice: Ventura L. Kalász Set construction: elTeatrillu  Acknowledgements: Salva Márquez, Cristina L. Morcuende, Nico Jongen, audiovisuals service of Institut del Teatre


  • Dates
  • Space

    Antic Teatre

    Carrer Verdaguer i Callís, 12, 08003 Barcelona

  • Duration
  • Language
  • Price
    12 € online / 15 € taquilla