Història del soldat

  • Teatre

Igor stravinsky / Charles ferdinand ramuz

Significantly, a fable has been chosen to open the 2008 Grec Festival: a contemporary reworking of Stravinsky’s Soldier’s Tale. This special inaugural
production of the 20th-century musical theatre classic is directed by Nigel Lowery and Amir Hosseinpour, guaranteeing a subtly ironic, powerful and
highly visual spectacle. Actor and singer Mísia plays the narrator, our beloved, many-talented Pavlovsky is the soldier, and Marilu Marini, a leading voice in the Parisian theatre, appears as the Devil. Musical accompaniment will be provided by a well-known contemporary music ensemble: Barcelona 216. Stravinsky wrote his Soldier’s Tale in exile, in the company of his friend and neighbour Charles-Ferdinand Ramuz. Due to the difficult times in which he composed the work (it was first performed in 1918), the piece is austere in its use of resources. Nonetheless, Stravinsky masterfully constructs the simple story of a soldier who sells his soul to the Devil, in the shape of his fiddle...

Artistic card

Coreografia: Amir Hosseinpour; Direcció artística: David Albet; Direcció d'escena: Nigel Lowery i Amir Hosseinpour; Ballarins: Anna Pons, Fátima Campos, Nagore Somoza; Narrador: Mísia; Orquestra: Grup Instrumental Barcelona 216; Clarinet: Josep Fuster; Contrabaix: Joan Perarnau; Fagot: Slawomir Krysmalsky; Percussió: Robert Armengol; Trombó: Gerard Costes; Trompeta: Mireia Farrés; Violí: Freya-Ritts Kirby; Escenografia i vestuari: Nigel Lowery; Il·luminació: Lothar Baumgarte; So: Xavier Bordelaise; Construcció de l'escenografia: Castells i Planes; Attrezzo: Xavier Mateu; Caracterització: Tutusaus; Producció Bac216: Noemí Suñol; Producció executiva: MOM Produccions; Assistència a la coreografia: Susana García; Assistència a la direcció: Anna Llopart; Regidoria: Pau Fuster; Realització de vestuari: Dress Art; Intèrprets: Angel Pavlovsky, Marilú Marini; Direcció musical: Virginia Martínez; Il·lustració: Nigel Lowery;


Igor Stravinsky, Charles Ferdinand Ramuz


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Dates
  • Space

    Teatre Grec

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 36, 08038 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Language
    Spectacle in french, subtitled in Catalan